síla (moč) power, might; (krepkost) vigour; (potreba) necessity; (jakost) strength; (silovitost) vehemence; (nasilje) violence, force; (težava) difficulty, trouble; (prisila) compulsion, constraint, coercion; (beda) want, need, pinch; (stiska) emergency, neediness; (pritisk) pressure; (nevarnost) danger, emergency; (nuja) urgency, necessity
v síli in case of emergency (ali of need, of necessity)
s sílo by force, forcibly, with violence, by strong-arm methods
z vsemi sílami with might and main
pod sílo okoliščin, razmer under the stress of circumstances
po síli (nerad) forced, under compulsion, unwillingly, reluctantly, perforce
če je síla if need be, if need arise
to je višja síla it is a case of needs must (ali of overwhelming odds, of vis maior)
groba síla violence
konjska síla horsepower (krajšava: HP)
gonilna síla motive power
višja síla force majeure, Act of God
naravne síle natural forces, forces of nature
kopne síle vojska land forces pl
pomorske síle vojska naval forces pl, navy
pomorska síla naval power
síla (ogromno) ljudi a great number of people
enota síle unit of force
moment síle moment of a force
delovna síla manpower
politika síle power politics pl
vodna síla water (ali hydraulic) power
oborožene (vojaške) síle armed (military) forces pl
Kraljeva Zračna Sila Royal Air Force
klic v síli emergency call
izhod v síli emergency exit
biti v veliki síli (stiski) to be in great distress (ali need)
ni mu síle he is not in bad circumstances, he is doing well
ni síle (= ne mudi se) there's no hurry, it is not urgent
ni nobene síle there is no hurry
to je za sílo (= začasno) this is a makeshift, this is a stopgap, this is a temporary substitute
síla (strašno) vroče je it is extremely hot
síla ima večjo moč kot pravica might before right
napeti vse (svoje) síle to do one's utmost, to make every effort, to do one's best, to do all one can; to tax one's powers to the utmost; to use every exertion; to stir heaven and earth; to leave no stone unturned
síla kola lomi needs must when the devil drives, necessity knows no law
v síli hudič muhe žre (figurativno) drowning men catch at straws, beggars can't be choosers
(tudi) s sílo se ne da vsega doseči (figurativno) you can take a horse to the water but you can't make him drink
ukloniti se síli to give way to compulsion, to act under compulsion (ali duress)
v síli spoznaš pravega prijatelja a friend in need is a friend indeed
Zadetki iskanja
- adhezíven adhesive
adhezivna sila adhesive power - centrifugálen centrifugal
centrifugálna sila centrifugal force
centrifugálni sušilni stroj (za perilo) spin-drier - centripetálen centripetal
centripetálna sila centripetal force - déloven working; labouring; labour
délovni čas working hours pl
délovni dan workday
délovna enota work unit
délovno dovoljenje work permit
délovna izmena, posad shift
délovna halja overall
délovni konflikt labour conflict
délovna metoda working method, operating method
délovna obleka (pajac, žaba) overalls pl
délovno orodje tools pl
délovno področje sphere of action, field of activity
délovno ljudstvo working people
délovni program schedule of work, work plan
délovni razred working class
délovna sila manpower, labour resources, workers pl, labour
pomanjkanje délovne sile labour shortage
délovna služba labour service
délovni načrt work plan
délovni odbor working (ali advisory) committee
délovni pogoji working conditions pl
délovni stroški labour costs pl
délovna storilnost efficiency of labour
délovni teden working week
délovno taborišče labour camp
délovni tovariš workmate, workfellow, fellow workman
délovna vnema enthusiasm for the job, keenness to get the job done
délovna zaščita safety provisions pl for workers
bedno plačana délovna sila sweated labour
délovna celota a working whole
délovni človek (ljudje) working man (people)
délovna skupnost (organizacija) working community (organization)
délovna sredstva labour resources
délovni odnosi labour relations pl
délovne obveznosti working obligations pl
število délovnih ur work load - domačín native, aboriginal; indigene; member of a family
domačíni pl the local people, the locals; (v isti hiši) inmates pl
domačínska delovna sila native labour
zaposliti samo domačíne ZDA to indigenize - gibálen motive
gibálna sila motive power, motive force - gonílen driving; moving; motive
gonílni jermen drive belt, driving belt
gonílno kolo drive wheel, driving wheel
gonílna moč, sila driving force, motive power; momentum, pl -nta - gravitacíjski gravitational
gravitacíjska sila force of gravity - indigén
1. pridevnik indigenous; native
indigéna delovna sila native labour
2. srednji spol native - inêrten inert
inêrtna sila inertia - kóla cart; waggon; ZDA wagon
sila kóla lomi needs must when the devil drives - lomíti to break; to fracture, (žarke) to refract
lomíti se to break (up)
sila kola lomi necessity knows no law
lomíti ga (šušmariti) to dabble (v politiki in politics)
preveč ga lomíti (figurativno) to go too far
lomíti roké (figurativno) to wring one's hands
lomíti francoščino to speak broken French - naráven natural; true to nature; (prirojen) innate; (pravi, pristen) genuine, true, inartificial; (iskren) open, frank, sincere, artless; (neprisiljen) unaffected, unconstrained
narávno čudo prodigy
narávni dar gift of nature
narávne lepote natural beauties pl
narávni nagon instinct
narávni pojav natural phenomenon, pl -mena
narávni proizvod natural product
narávna sila, moč natural force
narávna selekcija natural selection
narávno stanje natural state
narávni zakon law of nature, natural law
portret (kip) v narávni velikosti life-sized portrait (statue)
narávne sile physical agents pl
narávno bogastvo natural resources pl - naspróten contrary, opposite, arhaično contrariant, zastarelo contrarious; (nenaklonjen) opposed, unwilling, hostile, adverse to, disinclined to; (obraten) converse
nasprótni dokaz counterevidence
nasprótna izjava counterdeclaration
nasprótna sila counterforce; opposed force
nasprótna stran ulice the opposite side of the street
nasprótna stranka the opposite party
nasprótna terjatev counterdemand, counterclaim
naspróten veter a contrary wind, an adverse wind
biti čisto naspróten od to be opposite to
igrati na nasprótni strani šport to play for the opposing (ali opposite) side
storil si prav nasprótno od tistega, kar bi bil moral storiti you have done the exact opposite of what you ought to have done - nekvalificíran
nekvalificíran delavec unskilled worker
nekvalificírani delavci, nekvalificírana delovna sila the unskilled; unskilled labour - núja necessity; need; exigency; (nujnost) urgency, urgent case; (težava) difficulty, scrape, pinch, straits pl; (stiska, nadloga) misery, poverty, distress, indigence, needfulness; (prisiljenost) compulsion, constraint
iz núje from necessity
núja (sila) kola lomi necessity knows no law; needs must when the devil drives
iz núje napraviti vrlino (figurativno) to make a virtue of necessity - odvéčen superfluous; redundant
odvéčna delovna sila redundant workers pl
odvéčnih besed poln slog redundant style
odvéčna (= presežna) teža overweight, surplus weight - páren2 -a, -o steam(-); steamy; (poln pare) vaporous
párni bager tehnika steam shovel
párna barkasa steamboat
párna energija steam power
párno gretje steam heating
párni kotel steam boiler, boiler
párna kopel steam bath
párno kladivo steam hammer
párni mlin steam mill
párni lonec steam cooker, pressure cooker
párni plug steam plough, ZDA steam plow
párni pogon steam drive, steam power
párna moč, sila steam power
párni pritisk steam pressure, head of steam
párni stroj steam engine
párni ventil steam valve
párni valjar steamroller
párni vitel steam winch
párna lokomotiva steam engine - pogónski driving
pogónsko gorivo fuel, propellant, engine fuel
pogónska gred drive (ali propeller) shaft
pogónski jermen driving belt, transmission belt
pogónska moč propelling power
pogónska motnja stoppage, breakdown
pogónska os driving axle
pogónski plin fuel gas, power gas, propellant gas
pogónska sila motive power, moving force