
Zadetki iskanja

  • kós kosa, koso (poševen) oblique; sloping; slanting; shelving; dipping; askew, skew, pogovorno skew-whiff; (nagnjen) inclined, leaning, tilted, lop-sided
  • kós1 (ptica) blackbird

    vodni kós dipper, water ouzel (ali ousel)
    žvižgati kot kós to whistle like a blackbird
  • kós2 (komad) piece; (velik) chunk; (tanka rezina) slice; (del) part; (sladkorja) lump; (predmet) article

    kós pohištva piece (ali pogovorno stick) of furniture; (glasbeni) piece (of music); (poti) stretch; (zemlje, gredica) bed, patch, plot
    po kósu apiece, each
    kós za kósom piece by piece, piecemeal
    na kóse to pieces
    kós mila a cake of soap
    kós zemlje a plot (ali a piece, a patch) of land (ali of ground)
    po čem je kós? how much apiece?
    prodajajo se po kósu they are sold separately (ali singly)
    blago (tekstil) po kósu piece goods pl
    po tri funte kós at three pounds each
    delo po kósu piecework, paid for piece rate (ali by the piece)
    iz enega kósa of one piece
    delati po kósu, od kósa (na akord) to do piecework, to work piece rate
    hiša razpada kós za kósom the house is crumbling away bit by bit
    razpasti na kóse to fall to (ali to break into) pieces
    raztrgati na kóse to tear (ali to cut) to pieces, (skritizirati) to pull to pieces, to pick holes in
    prodajati po kósu (na drobno) to sell by retail, to retail
    razstaviti na kóse (demontirati) to take to pieces
    razbiti na kóse to smash in pieces
  • kós3

    biti kós čemu to be equal to something, to be a match for something
    nisem ti kós I'm not a match for you
    nihče mu ni kós there is no one to match him
    biti kós priliki to rise to occasin
    on ni kós tej nalogi he is not equal (ali up) to this task
    nisem mu kós I am no match for him
    biti kós situaciji, položaju to cope with a (ali the) situation, to be equal to te situation, pogovorno to measure up to the job
  • blok (poslopje) block

    blok hiš block of houses
    stanovanjski blok apartment block, block of flats; (sešitek listov) pad
    pisalni blok writing pad
    risalni blok sketch pad, sketchbook, sketchblock
    blagajniški blok receipt; (zveza držav) bloc
    Vzhodni blok Eastern Bloc
    Zahodni blok Western Bloc; (veliki kos) block, slab; (mejni) checkpoint
  • en ena, eno one; (neki -a -o) a, a certain, some

    ene škarje a pair or scissors
    ob eni(h) at one o'clock
    vlak ob enih the one o'clock train
    eno leto stara žival yearling
    soba z eno posteljo a single room
    vsi do enega one and all, (složno) unanimously, as (ali like) one man
    en kos za drugim (trganje) (by) piecemeal
    to je eno in isto it amounts to the same thing
    eni pravijo... some say...
    z eno besedo in a (ali one) word, briefly, to sum up
    on je z eno nogo že v grobu he has one foot in the grave, he is near death
    vstali so kot en mož they rose as (ali like) one man
    eno leto ali dve one or two years
    stran ena page one, first page
    številka ena number one
    Tisoč in ena noč the Arabian Nights' Entertainments, pogovorno the Arabian Nights, the Thousand and One Nights
    eni ga imajo radi, drugi ga sovražijo some like him, others hate him
    to moramo napraviti, eni ali drugi some of us have got to do it
    to mi je vseeno it is all the same to me, it makes no difference, I don't care, I don't mind
    vsi so bili enega (= istega) mnenja all were of one mind
    en (sam) človek tega ne bi zmogel no one man could do it
  • gŕd ugly; hideous; nasty; dirty; (ime) ill, bad; (podel) mean, base, scurvy; (vreme) bad, nasty; (vedenje) unmannerly, boorish; (neroden) ungainly; figurativno (prostaški) foul, obscene, indecent

    gŕd kot smrtni greh (as) ugly as sin
    gŕd kos poti nasty stretch of road
    gŕd obraz ugly face
    gŕda rana ugly wound
    gŕdo govorjenje bad language
    gŕdo vreme nasty weather
    gŕd zločin ugly crime
    nebo obeta gŕdo vreme the sky looks ugly
    to je bilo gŕdo dejanje that was a wicked deed
    posta(ja)ti gŕd to grow ugly
    gŕda šala dirty trick
  • kôsa scythe

    žvenket kôs clang (ali ringing) of scythes
    opremiti s kôso to equip with scythes
  • krùh bread

    brez krùha breadless, (brez posla) unemployed
    črn krùh brown (ali black) bread
    domač krùh home-made (ali household) bread
    bel krùh white bread
    ječmenov krùh barley bread
    koruzen krùh ZDA corn pone
    ržen rye bread
    svež krùh fresh (ali new) bread
    star, suh krùh stale bread
    (ne)kvašen krùh (un)leavened bread
    vojaški krùh ration bread
    pražen krùh toast
    naš vsakdanji krùh our daily bread
    hlebec, štruca krùha loaf of bread
    kos, reženj krùha a piece, a slice of bread
    ob krùhu in vodi on bread and water
    krùh z maslom bread and butter
    ostanki krùha left-over bread
    pražilec za krùh toaster
    košarica za krùh breadbasket
    rezilni stroj za krùh bread slicer
    skorja krùha a crust of bread
    krùha in iger! bread and circuses!
    boj za vsakdanji krùh the struggle for life
    pomanjkanje krùha shortage (ali scarcity) of bread
    deliti s kom krùh to break bread with someone
    on ni vreden krùha, ki ga jé he is not worth his salt
    ni imel skorje krùha he had not a crust of bread to eat
    ostati brez krùha (figurativno) to be thrown out of work
    pritrgovati si krùh od ust to stint oneself
    odjesti komu krùh to take the bread out of someone's mouth
    jesti tuj krùh (figurativno) to serve other people, to be dependent on other people
    prišel je do krùha pogovorno he's got it made
    peči krùh to bake bread
    služiti si svoj krùh z... to get one's living by...
    sam si mora služiti krùh he has to earn his own living
    težko si služiti krùh to work hard for a living
    kako si služi svoj krùh? (figurativno) how does he earn (ali make, win) his bread (ali his living)?
    skregati se s svojim krùhom (figurativno) to quarrel with one's bread and butter, not to know which side one's bread is buttered on
    stati v vrsti za krùh to stand in a bread-line
    krùh je vzhajal the bread has risen
    živeti ob krùhu in vodi to be put on bread and water
  • mesó (hrana) meat; (živo) flesh; (sadno) pulp

    divje mesó medicina proud flesh
    dušeno mesó stewed meat, (beef) stew
    goveje mesó beef
    konservirano mesó, (mesó v konservah) preserved meat, tinned meat, ZDA canned meat
    konjsko mesó horse meat
    kuhano (pečeno, mastno, pusto, mehko, žilavo) mesó boiled (roast, fat, lean, tender, tough) meat
    nasoljeno mesó corned beef
    sesekljano mesó hash
    surovo (prekajeno, sveže, zmrznjeno) mesó raw (smoked, fresh, frozen) meat
    ovčje, koštrunovo mesó mutton
    prašičje, svinjsko mesó pork
    telečje mesó veal
    barva mesa flesh colour, carnation
    kavelj za obešanje mesa meat hook
    kos mesa a slice of meat
    lonec za kuhanje mesa pot for stewing (ali boiling) meat, a stew pot
    strojček, mlinček za mletje mesa meat grinder; mincer
    zastrupljenje z mesom botulism, ptomaine poisoning
    nasoliti mesó to cure meat
    sesekljati mesó to chop
    sušiti mesó (v dimu) to dry meat, to smoke meat
    lastno mesó in kri (figurativno) one's own flesh and blood
    to mu je prešlo v mesó in kri (figurativno) it has become second nature with (ali to) him
    začinjeno sesekljano mesó za nadev forcemeat (for stuffing)
  • mílo soap

    brez míla soapless
    izdelovalec míla soap manufacturer
    izdelovanje míla soap making
    škatla za mílo soapbox
    mílo za britje shaving soap
    gospodinjsko mílo household soap
    navadno mílo plain soap
    odišavljeno mílo scented soap
    mehko mílo soft soap
    toaletno mílo toilet soap
    kos míla a cake (ali a tablet) of soap
    z mazanjem nanesti mílo na kaj to soap something
    variti, kuhati mílo to boil soap
  • navál (gneča) throng, press; crowd; (v trgovine, božični) (Christmas) rush; (napad) attack, assault; (jeze, strasti) fit

    biti kos naválu to cope with the rush
    navál na banko run on a bank
    navál na blago rush on an article
    zavzeti v naválu (jurišu) to take by storm
    navál odjemalcev crowd of customers
  • po after; on, upon; at, by; over; through; according to

    po abecednem redu in alphabetical order
    po božiču after Christmas
    po tej ceni at this price
    po 10 tolarjev kos at ten tolars each
    po dolžini lengthwise
    po dva by twos, two by two, two at a time
    po vsej Evropi all over Europe
    (samó) po imenu (only) in name
    po kopnem in po morju by land and sea
    po mestu about (ali through) the town
    po vsem mestu all over the town
    kot po maslu (figurativno) like clockwork
    po kakovosti by quality
    po malem little by little, by degrees
    po mojem mnenju in my opinion, to my mind
    po meri by measure
    po modi after the fashion
    po naravi from nature
    po naročilu by order
    narejen po naročilu made to order
    po naključju by accident, by chance
    po nesreči unfortunately, as ill luck would have it
    po možnosti if possible
    odvetnik po poklicu lawyer by profession
    po navodilu as instructed
    po pravilu by rule
    po petkrat five times running
    po pravici by rights, of right
    po mojem računu by my reckoning
    po poslu, po poslih on business, on an errand
    po rojstvu by birth
    imenovan po stricu named after his uncle
    po sobi about the room
    po vsem svetu all over the world, all the world over
    po njegovi smrti after his death
    po ulici along the street
    po uvidevnosti at discretion
    po vodi by water
    po tem vzorcu following (ali on, after) this pattern
    po vrednosti in value
    enak po velikosti equal in size
    po deset ur nepretrgoma ten hours at a stretch
    po vsem after all
    po angleškem zakonu under (the) English law
    po zraku by air
    po spominu from memory
    po planu according to the plan (ali scheme)
    po vrsti in order, one after another, every one in his turn
    po vaši želji according to your wish
    takoj po moji vrnitvi immediately upon my return
    po prejemu tega pisma on receipt of this letter
    po meni je I am done for, pogovorno I've had it
    če bi bilo po tebi, bi se svet podrl if you had your way, the world would go to ruin
    če vam je po volji if you choose, if you care
    to ni po mojem okusu that is not to my taste
    dobivati časopis po pošti to receive one's newspaper by post
    igrati po posluhu to play by ear
    po starosti sta enaka they are the same age
    iti po vodo to fetch water, to go for water
    šel je ponj (po njega) he went to fetch him
    peti po notah to read music, to sight-read
    poslati po zdravnika to send for the doctor
    poslali so po zdravnika the doctor has been (oziroma was) sent for
    pridi pome (po mene)! come and fetch me!
    potoval sem po vsej Afriki I travelled all over Africa
    priseči po krivem to perjure oneself, to commit perjury
    prišel sem k tebi po nasvet I have come to you for advice
    risati po naravi to draw from nature (ali life)
    sklepati po čem to infer from
    soditi po zunanjosti to judge by appearances
    po vsem, kar sem slišal... from all I heard...
    sprehajati se po palubi to walk (ali to pace) the deck
    sprehajati se, hoditi po soncu (dežju) to walk in the sun (in the rain)
    udaril me je po glavi (ustih) he hit me on the head (he struck me in the mouth)
    voditi koga po mestu to show someone round the town
  • poedín single; individual; detached

    poedíni deli single parts pl; (vsak posamezen) several
    skupno in poedíno jamstvo joint and several pledge (ali guarantee)
    poedíno prislov singly, severally, individually
    skupno in poedíno jointly and severally; (podrobno) in detail; (kos za kosom) piecemeal
    poedíno našteti to specify, to particularize
  • pohíštvo (household) furniture; movables pl

    ceneno pohíštvo a few sticks of furniture
    kos pohíštva piece of furniture
    lak za pohíštvo furniture polish
    prevoznik pohíštva furniture remover
    trgovec s pohíštvom furnisher
    voz za pohíštvo furniture van, removal van, pantechnicon
  • položáj situation; position; state of affairs; condition; circumstances pl; (lega) site; lay, standing; bearings pl; (služba) rank, status; (drža telesa) attitude, posture, (pri mečevanju) guard; vojska post

    resnost položája the gravity of the situation
    socialni položáj social standing
    položáj poslanika the post of ambassador
    položáj tržišča, trga market position
    težaven položáj (figurativno) a close call
    materialni in družbeni položáj economic and social status
    biti gospodar položája to be master of the situation
    biti v neprijetnem položáju (v žalostnem položáju) to be in an unpleasant position (in a sorry plight)
    določiti čemu položáj to locate something
    ne biti kos (dorasel) položáju not to be equal to the situation (ali occasion)
    on nima (ne zavzema) položája svojega brata he has not his brother's standing
    nismo v položáju, da bi mogli narediti drugače we are not in a position to be able to do otherwise
    izbrati dober položáj za svojo hišo to choose a fine position (ali site) for one's house
    to je komaj izboljšalo naš položáj that has scarcely made us any better off
    položáj se je poslabšal the situation has deteriorated
    pojasni mu svoj položáj! show him where (ali how) you stand!
    razumem tvoj položáj I see how you stand
    biti v nejasnem položáju (figurativno) to be up in the air
    sedeti v zelo nerodnem položáju to be seated in a very uncomfortable position
    položáj je videti brezupen things look desperate
    vem, kakšen je položáj (figurativno) I know how the land lies
    vreči iz položája to eject, to dislodge, to supplant, to oust
    vztrajati na položáju vojska to stick to one's post
    on je rešil položáj he saved the situation
    umakniti se na vnaprej pripravljene položáje vojska to withdraw to positions prepared beforehand
    izrabiti, izkoristiti položáj to make hay while the sun shines, to strike while the iron's hot
  • situácija situation; (položaj) position; (okolnosti) circumstances pl; state of affairs

    biti kos, dorasel situáciji to be equal to the situation
    rešiti situácijo to save the situation
    situácija je videti brezupna things pl look desperate
    biti v zelo nerodni situáciji to be caught (ali landed) in a very uncomfortable (ali awkward, embarrassing, sticky) situation
    situácija se je poslabšala the situation has deteriorated
    obvlad(ov)ati situácijo to be master of the situation
    zadostiti zahtevam situácije to meet the demands of the situation
  • slanína (posušena) bacon; (scvrta) rendered fat

    prekajena slanína smoked bacon; (z mesom) streaky bacon
    reženj slaníne rasher of bacon
    kos slaníne a flitch of bacon
    prekaditi slaníno to cure bacon
  • srédnji middle; central

    srédnji stan middle classes pl, ZDA white-collar section of the population
    srédnja pozicija central position
    Srednja Amerika Central America
    Srednja Nemčija Central Germany
    srédnji vek Middle Ages pl
    Srednja Azija Central Asia
    srédnja črta šah middle line (fourth or fifth rank on a chessboard)
    srédnja stvar intermediate thing, something between
    srédnja teža middleweight
    srédnje uho middle ear
    vnetje srédnjega ušesa inflammation of the middle ear
    srédnji čas mean time
    srédnja kakovost medium quality
    srédnji kos middle piece, central portion
    srédnja stopnja (šole) last three classes (classes 5, 6 and 7) of an elementary school
    srédnji spol gramatika neuter (gender)
    srédnja šola secondary school, ZDA high school
    srédnji napadalec šport centre forward
    srédnji igralec centre, ZDA center
    srédnja pot middle course, mean, compromise
    kreniti po srédnji poti to adopt a middle course
    srédnji val (radio) medium wave
    srédnja vrednost mean (value), average
    izračunati srédnjo vrednost to calculate an average
    Srednja Evropa Central Europe
    Srednji Vzhod the Middle East
    srédnja žetev average crop
  • zahtéva demand; claim; request; (pretirana) exaction; requirement; postulation; pretension (po to)

    na zahtévo on request, on demand
    na splošno zahtévo by request
    utemeljena zahtéva a just claim
    zahtéva za plačilo demand for payment
    kakšne so vaše zahtéve? what are your demands?
    biti kos vsem zahtévam to be up to all demands
    napraviti kaj na zahtévo to do something at the demand (of)
    umakniti svoje zahtéve to withdraw one's claims
    ugoditi, ustreči zahtévam to comply with the requirements
    da ustrežemo zahtévam naših odjemalcev to meet our customers' requirements
    popustiti v svojih zahtévah to moderate (ali to abate) one's demands