
Zadetki iskanja

  • akademíja academy; college, university

    Kraljevska akademíja slikarstva in kiparstva the Royal Academy
    Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts
    Pedagoška akademija College of Education
    Glasbena akademíja Academy of Music
    Akademija lepih, upodabljajočih umetnosti the Academy of Fine Arts
    Francoska akademíja the French Academy
    član Ameriške akademíje znanosti in umetnosti Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
    akademíja (slavnostna prireditev) solemn celebration of some cultural occasion
  • kolégij (učilišče) college; (vrsta predavanj) course of lectures; (svèt, odbor) collegiate body

    kardinalski kolégij religija the College of Cardinals
    sveti kolégij religija the Sacred College
    volilni kolégij body of electors, constituency
  • učilíšče school, college, academy; institution of learning, educational institution; humoristično thinking shop
  • vseučilíšče university; college; figurativno Alma Mater
  • vseučilíški university(-), college(-); collegiate

    vseučilíški študent university student
    nekdanji vseučilíški študent ZDA alumnus, pl alumni
    vseučilíška tla, vseučilíško zemljišče campus
  • závod institution, institute; establishment; (šola) school, college; seminary

    závod za slepe home for the blind
    denarni závod financial institution
    kazenski závod penal institution, penitentiary institution (ali establishment)
    Pasteurjev závod the Pasteur Institute
    poboljševalni závod reformatory; house of correction
    vzgojni závod educational establishment
  • diplóma diploma; degree; official certificate; college certificate

    doktorska diplóma doctor's diploma (ali degree)
    učiteljska diplóma schoolteacher's training certificate
    imeti zdravniško diplóma to hold a medical degree
    podeliti komu diplómo to award a diploma to someone
  • kadét cadet; student in a naval (military) college (ali academy)

    mornariški kadét midshipman
  • licéj secondary school; zgodovina (do 1848) intermediate college between grammar school and university, lyceum; (pri starih Grkih) Lyceum; (v Ljubljani, med obema vojnama) girls' secondary modern school in Ljubljana
  • reálka (nonclassical) secondary modern school; college for modern science subjects; secondary school with only modern side
  • učiteljíšče college of education, (nekdaj) teachers' training college; ZDA teachers' college
  • učiteljíščnik student at a college of education; student teacher; student of education; trainee teacher
  • dijáški (študentovski)

    dijáški dom hostel (ali hall of residence) for students
    dijáškko društvo, klub students' union (ali association, society); students' club
    dijáškka četrt students' quarter
    dijáški žargon students' slang
    dijáškka doba college days, time spent at the university
    dijáško življenje student (ali students') life, college (ali university) life
  • gospodárski economic; (of) business; belonging (ali relating) to husbandry (ali to economics, to farming), concerning husbandry

    gospodársko poslopje farm building, outbuilding, outhouse
    gospodárska kašča storage space
    gospodárske zgradbe outhouses, farm buildings, offices, premises
    gospodárska šola agricultural college
    gospodárski položaj dežele the state of a country's economy
  • institút institute; institution; (internat) boarding school

    Instituti pl pravo institutes pl
    Pasterjev institút the Pasteur Institute
    agronomski institút the College of Agriculture
    Institut J. Štefana the Jožef Štefan Institute
  • šóla school; educational establishment; (stavba) schoolhouse, school; (poučevanje) schooling, teaching; (tečaj) course

    v šóli at school
    v šólo to school
    osnovna šóla elementary (ali primary) school
    srednja šóla secondary school, (zasebna) public school, (z internatom) boarding school
    klasična srednja šóla grammar school
    srednja šóla klasične smeri classical side (of a secondary school)
    srednja šóla realne smeri modern side (of a secondary school)
    deška (dekliška) šóla boys' (girls') school
    mešana šóla mixed school; coeducational school
    višja srednja šóla (5.-8. razred) ZDA high school
    glasbena šóla music school
    gospodinjska šóla school of domestic science
    jahalna šóla riding school, manege, manège
    konfesionalna šóla denominational school
    kmetijska šóla school of agriculture
    nadaljevalna šóla continuation school, extension college
    strokovna šóla vocational (ali professional) school
    šoferska šóla driving school, school of motoring
    tehniška šóla technical school
    trgovska šóla commercial school
    učiteljska šóla teachers' training college, ZDA normal college
    vojaška šóla military school, military academy
    večerna šóla evening (ali night) school, evening classes pl
    mala šóla nursery school, kindergarten, preschool
    dan brez šóle (pouka) day off (school), school holiday
    dorasel za šólo of school age
    danes ni šóle (pouka) there is no school today, there are no lessons today
    šóle (pouka) je konec school is over
    naša šóla se bo končala 30. junija in zopet začela 15. septembra our school breaks up (ali closes) on June 30th and will reopen (ali reassemble) on September 15th
    ti ne boš za šólo school is not for you
    hoditi v šólo to go to school, to be at school
    iti skozi trdo šólo (figurativno) to go through the mill
    končati, zapustiti šólo to leave school
    izključiti iz šóle to expel from school
    obiskovati šólo to attend (a) school
    zamuditi šólo (pouk) to be late for school
    neupravičeno izosta(ja)ti iz šóle (»špricati«) to play truant, to cut school, ZDA žargon to play hooky
    biti med najboljšimi v šóli to be near the top in school
    vsaka šóla nekaj stane (figurativno) we learn by experience
  • téhničen technical

    téhnični izraz (termin) technical term
    téhnična industrija industrial engineering
    téhnični opis engineering detail
    téhnične podrobnosti technical details pl
    téhnična spretnost technical skill
    téhnična šola technical school
    téhnična visoka šola technical college, technical high school
    téhnični strokovnjak technician
    téhnične težave technical difficulties pl
    téhnični vodja, direktor technical director
    téhnična znanost engineering science
    ki ima smisel za téhnične stvari technically minded
  • téhnika technics pl; technique

    téhnika smučanja technique of skiing
    téhnika (zgradba) technical college, college of technology, polytechnic
    téhnika (kot študij) technical science, engineering
  • téhniški technical

    téhniški visoka šola technical college, college of technology
  • účen1 of teaching, of instruction

    účna moč a qualified teacher
    účna sredstva teaching aids pl, means of instruction
    účna doba apprenticeship
    účno osebje teaching staff
    účni načrt (school) curriculum, syllabus
    účni zavod educational establishment, school, college, academy
    účna metoda teaching method
    účni predmet subject of instruction
    účna stroka branch of study (ali of learning)