
Zadetki iskanja

  • civíl in plain clothes

    (častnik) v civílu (officer) in mufti
    policist v civílu plain-clothes (police)man, pl -men
  • civílen civil; civilian

    civílna obleka civilian clothes, plain clothes, žargon civ(v)ies pl
    civílna lista (apanaža) civil list
    civílno letalstvo civil aviation
    civílna poroka civil marriage
    policist v civílni obleki plain-clothes (police)man, pl -men
  • državljánski civil; civic

    državljánske čednosti civic virtues pl
    državljánske pravice civil rights
    izguba državljánskih pravic loss of civil rights
    odvzem državljánskih pravic attainder; civil death; suppression of citizen's rights
    državljánska vojna civil war
    državljánski posli civics pl (s konstr. v sg ali pl)
  • galánten gallant; chivalrous; courteous; gentlemanly; (vedenje) courteous, gentlemanly; attentive to the ladies; civil, complimentary; refined, elegant

    Watteau-jevi slikarski galántni prizori the fêtes galantes painted by Watteau
  • meščánski civic, civil; citizen-like; middle-class; (buržujski) bourgeois

    meščánska kuhinja plain family cooking
    meščánske pravice citizenship
    meščánski sloj the middle class (es pl)
    meščánska vojna civil (ali internal) war
  • vljúden polite, courteous, civil, courtly

    vljúdno prislov politely, courteously, civilly
    biti vljúden to be polite, to keep a civil tongue in one's head
  • apanáža civil list
  • rehabilitácija medicina rehabilitation; exoneration, whitewash; (kazenska) restoration of civil right

    doseči rehabilitácijo to be rehabilitated
  • urádnik clerk; official; civil servant; public servant; ZDA officeholder

    državni urádnik government clerk
    višji urádnik functionary; senior clerk
    nižji urádnik junior clerk
    pisarniški urádnik clerk
  • uradníštvo (uradnik) clerical staff, office staff, pogovorno white-collar workers, slabšalno penpushers; personnel; VB (državno) Civil Service, public servants pl; bureaucracy
  • uslúžbenec employee; ZDA employe; official; clerk; (državni, javni) civil servant

    državni uslúžbenci pl public servants, state officials
    poštni uslúžbenec VB post-office employee
  • aviácija aviation; air service; vojska air force

    civilna aviácija civil aviation
  • bán ban

    hrvatski bán civil governor of Croatia, Slavonia, and Dalmatia
  • drúžba society; company; (povabljena) party; social gathering

    komunistična drúžba communist society; (sloj) set, gang; (igralska) troupe; trgovina company, partnership; (združenje) union
    delniška drúžba jointstock company
    komanditna drúžba limited partnership
    kreditna drúžba loan-society
    drúžba z omejeno zavezo limited (liability) company (krajšava: Ltd); ZDA incorporated company (krajšava: Inc)
    trgovska drúžba trading company
    registrirana drúžba registered (ZDA incorporated) company
    Kraljevska Družba (= akademija znanosti) the Royal Society
    zavarovalna drúžba insurance company
    splošno koristna drúžba non-profitmaking (ZDA nonprofit) company
    elitna, odlična drúžba fashionable society
    meščanska drúžba civil society
    večerna drúžba evening party
    visoka drúžba high society
    zaključena drúžba private party
    naše dolžnosti do drúžbe our duties towards society
    moška (ženska) drúžba stag (hen) party
    družiti se s slabo drúžbo to associate with (ali to keep) bad company
    rad imeti drúžbo, rad biti v drúžbi to be fond of company
    iti, hoditi v drúžbo to go into society
    nisem rad v njihovi drúžbi I don't like to be in their company
    izogibati se drúžbe to avoid society, to shun company; to lead a retired life, to keep oneself aloof (from company)
    delati komu drúžbo to keep company with someone, to share someone's company
    biti v drúžbi z to be in company with
    dobro se počutim v njihovi drúžbi I feel at ease in their company
    ustanoviti drúžbo to set up a company
    razpustiti drúžbo to dissolve a partnership, to wind up a company
    zahajati mnogo v drúžbo to get around (ali about)
    zaiti v slabo drúžbo to get into bad company, to get in with a rotten set, to be thrown together with bad companions
    njegove drúžbe je človek hitro sit a little of his company goes a long way
  • držáven State, state

    držávni arhiv public record office, (dokumenti) state archives pl
    držávna banka state (ali national) bank
    držávni bankrot national bankruptcy
    držávna blagajna (public) treasury; exchequer
    držávna Cerkev, cerkev state church, established church, (v Angliji) Church of England
    držávni budžet budget; finances pl (of the state); ways and means pl, (plan) (VB) estimates pl
    držávne dajatve (davki) government taxes pl
    držávni dohodki public revenue(s) (pl), (inland) revenue
    držávni dolg national (ali public) debt
    držávni interes public interest
    držávna himna national anthem
    držávni izdatki, stroški public expenses pl
    na držávne stroške at public expense
    držávne finance finances of the state, public finance
    držávni kapitalizem state capitalism
    držávna kontrola state control, state supervision
    držávna knjižnica national library
    držávna last(nina) state property, public (ali national) property
    držávna loterija state lottery
    držávna meja national boundary
    držávni minister minister (of state), (v Angliji) Secretary of State
    držávno ministrstvo (state) ministry
    držávni monopol government monopoly
    držávna oblast government (ali public) authority
    držávni organ state agency
    držávni pečat Great Seal
    držávna podpora state subsidy
    držávno posojilo government bonds, public (ali government) loan; ZDA government bonds (ali securities) pl
    držávna (tajna) policija (secret) state police
    držávno podjetje government enterprise, national undertaking
    držávno pravo public law, state law, constitutional law
    držávni proces pravo state trial
    držávni pravdnik public prosecutor
    generalni držáven pravdnik attorney general, pl attorneys general; ZDA prosecuting attorney, state attorney; district attorney; circuit attorney
    držáven pogreb state funeral
    držávni prevrat (political) revolution
    držávna renta state pension
    držávni socializem state socialism
    držávna služba civil service, ZDA public service
    v držávni službi in the service of the state
    držávna tiskarna government printing office, VB Her (oziroma His) Majesty's Stationery Office (krajšava: H.M.S.O.)
    držávni udar coup d'état, pl coups d'état; overthrow of the government
    držávna varnostna služba state security service
    držávna uprava administration of the state, public administration; government
    držávni uradnik civil servant; government official; public functionary; public official
    visok držávni uradnik statesman
    držávna varnost national security
    držávna zadolženost national debt
    držávni zaklad public treasury; exchequer
    držávna zastava national flag
    držávna železnica state railway; ZDA state railroad
    držávna skupnost state community
    nauk o držávi civics pl
  • grádben (of) construction, building; constructive; architectoral

    grádbeno dovoljenje building permit
    grádbena družba building society
    grádbena industrija building industry, building trades pl
    grádbeni material building materials pl
    grádbeni mojster builder
    grádbeni podjetnik building contractor, contractor
    grádbeni les timber
    grádbeni oder scaffolding
    grádbeni stroški building expenses pl, cost of construction
    grádbeni inženir constructional engineer, civil engineer, structural engineer
  • inženír engineer

    elektroinženír electrical engineer
    gradbeni inženír (za nizke gradnje) civil engineer
    inženír kemije chemical engineer
    strojni inženír mechanical engineer
    rudarski inženír mining engineer
  • letálstvo aviation; aeronautics pl

    vojno letálstvo Air Force
    civilno letálstvo civil aviation
    ministrstvo za letálstvo air ministry
  • léto year; arhaično, pesniško twelvemonth

    koledarsko léto calendar (ali civil) year
    šolsko léto school year
    akademsko léto academic year
    navadno léto common (365-day) year
    prestopno léto leap year, bissextile year
    tekoče léto the current year
    cerkveno léto church year
    preteklo léto last year
    prihodnje léto next year
    sončno léto solar (ali astronomical) year
    staro léto old year
    Novo léto New Year, New Year's Day
    srečno novo léto! Happy New Year!
    nora, nerodna léta (figurativno) years pl of indiscretion, the awkward age
    v létu Gospodovem religija in the year of Our Lord (A.D.), in the year of grace
    enkrat na léto once a year
    v létu 1950 in nineteen (hundred and) fifty
    na starega léta dan on New Year's Eve
    v cvetju (svojih) lét in the prime of life
    skozi vse léto odprto open all the year round
    v poznejših létih in after years
    v 70ih létih in the '70s
    v teku léta in the course of the year
    vsako léto every year
    iz léta v léto, léto za létom year by year, year after year, year in year out, from year's end to year's end
    pol léta six months
    tri četrtine léta nine months
    četrt léta three months
    ob létu within a year
    (skozi) vse léto all the year round, from one year's end to another
    v létu 1910 in (the year) 1910
    v enem létu in a year's time, arhaično this day twelvemonth
    v zadnjih létih of late (ali recent) years
    léto dni trajajoč year-long
    pred mnogimi léti many years ago (ali since, back)
    že mnogo, precéj lét for many years past
    z léti with the years
    v starosti 50 lét at the age of fifty
    po mnogih létih after many years
    že nekaj lét (sém) for some years past
    pred létom dni a year ago
    30 funtov na léto 30 pounds a year (ali per annum)
    za prihodnja léta for years to come
    danes léto (dni) (bodočnost) twelve months from now, twelve months today, a year hence, (za preteklost) a year ago (ali since, back)
    konec léta year-end, close of the year
    biti že v létih to be advanced in years, to be well on in years
    biti iz svojih najboljših lét to be past one's best
    on je že čez 50 (let star) he is on the wrong (ali humoristično shady) side of 50
    on še ni 50 (let star) he is on the right (ali sunny) side of 50
    10 lét star deček a ten-year-old boy
    mlad za svoja léta young for his years
    v najlepših létih in the prime of life
    ona ne kaže svojih lét she does not look her age
    iti v léta to be getting on in years
    priti v léta to come to a good age, to get old, to begin to grow old
    ona je mojih lét she is my age
    priti iz norih lét to sow one's wild oats
    dobro nositi svoja léta to bear one's age well
    stopiti v novo léto to usher in the New Year
    léta bežijo the years race by
    umrla je v starosti 20 lét she died at the age of twenty
    bistra je za svoja léta she is clever for her age
    ta revija izhaja dvakrat na léto this magazine comes out twice a year, this magazine is a biannual (ali semiannual)
    čez 7 lét vse prav pride every little helps
  • lísta list

    črna lísta black list
    kandidatna lísta list of candidates, ZDA parlament ticket
    civilna lísta civil list
    prezenčna lísta list of those present, attendance list