čísto prislov cleanly, purely, clearly; (popolnoma) wholly, entirely, quite
čísto na začetku at the very beginning
on je čísto zadovoljen he is quite satisfied
čísto vse pojesti to eat all up
čísto nič nothng at all
prepisati na čísto to make a fair copy
Zadetki iskanja
- blízu near; nearly; near (ali close) at hand; close to; (približno) about, approximately, close upon
blízu hiše near the house
čisto blízu close by
blízu in daleč far and near
ni ga blízu (figurativno) he holds (ali keeps) aloof
ne iti blízu to stand off, to keep one's distance
priti blízu to come (ali to draw) near, to approach - bolán sick; diseased; ill (navadno predikativno); (slaboten) weak, (boleč) ailing, (trpeč) suffering (from)
bolán od ljubezni love-sick
bolán otrok a sick child
bolán na srcu suffering from (ali with) heart trouble, figurativno heart-sick
biti bolán na srcu to be suffering from heart trouble, to have a heart complaint, žargon to have a dicky heart
biti bolán za pljučnico to have pneumonia, to be suffering from pneumonia
moje bolne oči my sore eyes
on je bolán he is ill, sick, unwell
čisto bolán je zaradi tega (figurativno) he is quite upset about it
biti bolán to be ill (ali ailing ali afflicted) (od with)
biti na smrt bolán to be fatally ali terminally ill, to be at death's door
ležati bolán to be laid up (in bed), to be bedridden, to be confined to bed
javiti se bolnega to go (ali to report) sick - búden awake; waking, roused; sleepless
čisto búden wide awake; figurativno watchful, vigilant, (on the) alert
biti, ostati dolgo búden to sit up late, to keep late hours
spremljati z búdnim očesom to keep a vigilant eye (on)
biti búden (figurativno) to be on the alert, to be on the lookout - cvènk žargon dough; žargon bread; žargon (v severni Angliji) brass; (zaničljivo) pelf (denar), filthy lucre; money; (kovanec) coin
brez cvènka short of cash, short of the ready, broke, penniless
biti čisto brez cvènka to be dead broke - číst clean; pure; neat; clear; (brez madeža) unstained, spotless; (opran) washed, cleansed; (tudi figurativno) unsullied, unblemished; (nepopisan) blank; (spolno) chaste, pure; (nemešan) unmixed; sheer; (neponarejen) genuine; (nedolžen) innocent, guileless
iz číste potrebe by sheer necessity
číst in čeden neat and dapper
čísti dobiček net (ali clear) profit
číst kot kristal as clear as crystal
po čístem, golem naključju by pure accident
čísta potrata sheer waste
čísta (sama, gola) skala sheer rock
číst prepis fair copy
číste (nedolžne) roke white hands
čísta resnica plain (ali naked) truth
to je čísti nesmisel it is sheer nonsense
čísta srajca a clean shirt
čísta voda pure water
čísta vest clear conscience
iz číste volne all-wool
čísto zlato pure gold
číst zrak pure air
povedati čísto resnico to tell the plain truth
prepisati kaj na čísto to copy out something, to make a fair copy of something - délo work; labour; (zaposlitev) employment, job; (enolično, naporno) grind; (snažilkino) charring, cleaning, ZDA chore; (garanje) drudgery; (težko) toil
duševno délo brainwork, headwork
délo ročno manual work, manual labour
javna déla public works pl
délo od kosa piecework
naloženo délo task
délo zunaj hiše outdoor work
nočno délo night work, pogovorno nights pl
običajno délo ordinary labour
priložnostno délo odd job
obvezno délo compulsory work
kvalificirano délo skilled work
pisarniško délo clerical work
poljsko délo farm work, agricultural labour
prisilno délo forced labour, penal servitude
prostovoljno délo voluntary work
pogodbeno délo contract work
nestrokovno délo unskilled work
ročno, fino délo fancywork
žensko ročno délo needlework
rutinsko, tekoče délo routine work
mučno, dolgočasno délo drudgery, toiling and moiling
površno délo bungled (ali botched) work
brez déla (brezposeln) unemployed, jobless
zmožen za délo able to work
s trdim, težkim délom by working hard
borza déla employment agency, labour exchange
pravica do déla the right to work (ali to a job)
program déla work programme
ustavitev déla cessation of work
področje déla sphere of activity (ali of action)
nesposoben za délo unfit for work, not fit for work, incapacitated
temeljna organizacija združenega déla basic organization of associated labour
pri délu at work
na délo! get to work!
délo na črno žargon scab labour
družbeno (fizično, minulo, proizvodno) délo social (physical, past, productive) work
presežno (skupno) délo surplus labour (joint work)
svobodna menjava déla free change of employment
združeno (živo) délo associated (current) labour
plačilo po délu payment linked to performance, payment by results
pogoji za délo labour conditions
biti pri délu to be at work
vaša obleka je v délu your suit (ali dress, costume) is in hand, is being made (ali attended to)
dati komu délo to give someone work, to give someone employment
to je težko délo it is uphill work
iti na délo to go to work
iskati délo to look for a job
vedno samó délo in nič oddiha all work and no play
izogibati se déla to dodge work
biti s srcem pri délu to put one's heart into one's work
lotiti se déla to set to work, to get on with it, to get down to it, to start work, ZDA to get busy
zopet se lotiti déla to resume work
biti brez déla to be out of work
imeti mnogo déla to have plenty to do, to have a lot of work on hand, to have a great deal of work to do
imam drugega déla dovolj (figurativno) I've enough on my plate already, I have other fish to fry
nastopiti délo to start work
izvesti délo to get one's job (ali work) done, to carry out one's work
je kar precéj déla, veste! it's quite a job, you know!
odkazati komu neko délo to set someone a task
posvetiti se svojemu délu to devote (ali to apply) oneself to one's work
povzročiti komu mnogo déla to put someone to great inconvenience
opravljati délo to do a job
délo stoji, počiva work is at a standstill
končati s svojim délom to get one's work done
imel sem neko délo I had a job to do
čisto se predati délu pogovorno to keep one's nose to the grindstone
ustaviti délo to stop work, to strike (work), to go on strike, to walk out, to down tools
vreči se na délo to put one's back into a job, to get down to it
obsoditi na težko délo to sentence to hard labour
ukvarjati se z literarnim délom to be engaged in literary pursuits
rudarji so zapustili délo the miners have come out (on strike)
dušiti se v délu to be swamped (ali overwhelmed) with work
čez glavo imam déla I'm up to my ears (ali eyes, neck) in work
pridnega k délu priganjati (figurativno) to spur a willing horse
on se nikoli ne dotakne déla he never does a stroke of work
tovarna je ustavila délo the factory has stopped work
živeti od déla svojih rok to live by the sweat of one's palms
brez déla ni jela you get nothing for nothing
dober začetek je pol déla a good start is half the battle
po délu, ne po besedah cenimo človeka actions speak louder than words
po délu spoznaš človeka by their works you will know them - denár money; žargon brass, lolly, dough; (kovan) coin, coinage, hard money, hard cash, specie; (papirnati) soft money, paper money, bank notes pl, currency, token money; (drobiž) change; (gotovina) ready money; (v prometu) currency; (ženi za drobnarije) pin-money; (sredstva) pecuniary resources, capital
ponarejen denár counterfeit money
razpoložljiv denár disposable funds pl
presežni denár surplus money
tuj, inozemski denár foreign money
lahko zaslužen denár ZDA žargon fast buck
pri denárju in cash
brez denárja penniless
denárja kot smeti loads of money
lovec na denár (na doto) fortune hunter
v škripcih za denár short or money, out of cash, in money difficulties, hard up for money
kovnica denárja mint
obtok denárja circulation of money
pomanjkanje denárja lack (ali shortage) of money, financial stringency
predal za denár money-box, till
tečaj denárja rate of exchange, value
posojevalec denárja moneylender
kopičenje denárja accumulation of money, slabšalno money-grubbing
denár v obtoku money in circulation
za denár je trda money is tight
biti pri denárju to be in the money, to be flush, pogovorno to be quids in
ne biti pri denárju to be short of money (ali of cash, pogovorno of the ready), to be broke, to be out of cash, to have no money
biti čisto brez denárja (suh kot poper) to be dead broke
dobiti denár povrnjen to get (ali to have) one's money refunded
za noben denár ne morem tega dobiti I can't get it for love or money
dolgovati denár to owe money
dvigniti denár to draw money, to withdraw money (iz from)
denár ne igra vloge money (is) no object
imeti mnogo denárja to have plenty of money
ima denárja kot pečká he is rolling in money
nimam nič denárja pri sebi I have no money on me
ima denárja kot smeti he has tons of money
izdati (potrošiti) denár to spend money
izgubiti denár to lose one's money
investirati denár to invest money
hraniti (varčevati) denár to save money
to gre v denár that's making (real) money
kovati denár to coin, to mint money
najeti denár pri banki to raise money at the bank
z denárjem se da vse napraviti money talks
denár proč metati to let money go down the drain
bil je ogoljufan za svoj denár he was cheated (ali swindled) out of his money
narediti si denar (figurativno) to feather one's nest
podpirati z denárjem to subsidize (koga someone)
lahko se pod nosom obrišeš za svoj denár you may whistle for your money
kopičiti si denár to hoard money
pobirati denár to raise (ali to collect) money
posoditi denár to lend out money
naložíti denár to invest money
potrošiti denár to spend money
razsipavati z denárjem to spend money right and left
prihraniti mnogo denárja to have a nest egg put by
priti na dan z denárjem to come out with one's money
spremeniti v denár (vnovčiti) to turn (ali to convert) into cash
spraviti kaj v denár (vnovčiti) to make money of something, to realize, to convert into money
lahko in hitro služiti denár (figurativno) to coin money
prispevati denár to contribute money
on me stane mnogo denárja he is a heavy burden on my purse
ta posel me je spravil ob denár this business (ali transaction) has left me out of pocket
ta posel mi je prinesel denárja this deal has paid off
zasluži mnogo (kup) denárja he is earning a lot of money
(po)vrniti denár to refund (ali to reimburse) money
vložiti denár v to put (ali to deposit) money in
vnaprej dati, plačati denár to advance money
valjati se v denárju to be rolling in money, to be as rich as Croesus
zbirati, zbrati denár to collect money
to znese mnogo denárja that amounts to a lot of money
denár je sveta vladar money rules the world
denár ali življenje! your money or your life!, stand and deliver!
priti do denárja, podedovati denár to come into money - drugáče otherwise; in another (ali different) way (ali manner); differently (od from)
takó ali drugáče somehow; one way or other
drugáče (v drugih ozirih) in other respects; (sicer) else
to je čisto drugáče it is quite difrerent, pogovorno it's not at all like that
v mojem primeru je (ravno) drugáče in my case the boot is on the other foot
čisto drugáče (ravno nasprotno) just the other way, just the other way round
če ni drugáče možno if there is no other way
na to gledam čisto drugáče I look upon it in quite a different light
drugáče misliti to differ in opinion
sedaj drugáče misliti to have second thoughts
drugáče postopati, ravnati kot sicer (običajno) to act differently than usual
ne morem drugáče, kot da se smejem I can't help laughing
stôri to takoj, drugáče (sicer) ti bo žal do it at once, or you'll regret it (ali you'll be sorry) - drugáčen other, another, different (od from); unlike, other than; dissimilar, diverse, disparate
čisto drugáčen od (tvojega) quite different from (yours)
postati drugáčnega vedenja to change (ali to alter) one's conduct
stvar je čisto drugáčna (figurativno) the boot is on the other foot - drúg(i) -a, -o second; other, another
drúgi dan v mesecu the second
drúgi (naslednji) dan next day
drúgi najboljši second best
2. november 2nd November (beri: the second of November), November 2nd (beri: November the second)
drúgi razred second class
Karl II Charles II (beri: Charles the Second)
nihče drúg (kot on) nobody else (but he, pogovorno him)
vsak drúgi one in two
vsak drúgi dan every second (ali other) day
eden za drúgim one by one, one after the other, one after another
drúga dva the other two, the two others
na drúgi strani (figurativno) on the other hand
drúgi pot (drugič enkrat) some other time
drúgi po velikosti second biggest, second largest
eden drúgega one another, each other, mutually
eden in drugi both (of them)
bratranec (sestrična) v 2. kolenu second cousin
drugi (ostali) the other
kabina 2. razreda second-class cabin
nihče drúg kot no (ali none) other than, nobody else but
eno z drúgim one with the other
nič drúgega nothing else
biti drúgi, zavzeti drúgo mesto to take second place
to je nekaj čisto drúgega that is an entirely different matter, it makes all the difference, žargon that's another kettle of fish; this is quite another thing
imeti informacije iz drúge (posredne) roke to have second-hand information
za sedaj se ne da napraviti nič drúgega for the present nothing else can be done
biti drúgega mnenja to differ in opinion, to dissent
to pero je slabo, vzemi drúgo! this is a poor pen, take another!
vzeto eno z drúgim (= poprek) taken both together
napila sta si eden drúgemu they drank each other's health
pomagala sta si eden drúgemu they helped each other
igrati drúgo violino to play second fiddle
on je drúgi Cezar he is another (ali a second) Caesar
eden ali drúgi od nas bo to gotovo naredil one or other of us is sure to do it
postati drúgega mnenja to change one's mind
potovati v 2. razredu to travel second-class
stanovati v 2. nadstropju to live on the second floor (ZDA third floor)
med drúgim (= zlasti pa), ne moreš mu zaupati for one thing, he is not to be trusted
nad vsem drúgim želim... above all else (ali pogovorno more than anything else) I want...
ne delaj drúgim tega, česar ne maraš, da bi to oni delali tebi never do to others what you would not have them do to you
spoznal sem, da niso nič drúgega kot tatovi I realised they were nothing but a bunch of crooks - gláva head; (redko) poll; humoristično (zlasti plešava) pate; (lobanja, mrtvaška) skull; žargon bonce; (naslov) title, heading, ZDA caption; (vodja) chief, leader; ekonomija principal, ZDA boss; (vrhnji del) top; (pamet, razum) brains pl, wit (s pl), intelligence, understanding, judgment, sense; (bister človek) man of talent, pogovorno brainy fellow; (oseba) person; (kovanca) obverse, face, pogovorno heads
brez gláve headless, acephalous, figurativno reckless, hare-brained, confused, out of one's wits, silly
gláva ob glávi closely packed
na glavo, za glávo (figurativno) each; per head; per capita
iz gláve (na pamet) (znati) (to know) by heart
gláva ali napis? (pri metanju kovanca v zrak) heads or tails?
od gláve do nog from top to toe
od nog do gláve from head to foot
glávo pokonci! keep smiling!, vojska chin up!
z glávo navzdol with downcast head
na glávo postavljen (narobe) topsy-turvy
brez gláve in repa without rhyme or reason
delo z glávo brain work
delavec z glávo white-collar worker
beljenje gláve (figurativno) cudgelling (ali racking) one's brain, cogitation, rumination
kimanje z glávo nodding, nod
lasje na glávi hair (of the head)
poraba na glávo consumption per capita
gláva postelje head of the bed
rana na glávi wound in the head
skok na glávo header
stoja na glávi šport headstand, aeronavtika landing on the nose
strel v glávo shot in the head
tele z dvema glávama a twoheaded calf
umivanje gláve shampooing
več kot 100 gláv živine more than a hundred head of cattle
zmajevanje z glávo shaking of one's head
belíti si glávo to beat one's brains out, to cudgel (ali to rack) one's brains (z over)
biti čez glávo zadolžen to be up to one's ears (ali one's eyes, the neck) in debt
za glávo je večji od očeta he is taller than his father by a head
za glávo je večji od mene he stands a head taller than I
oče je gláva družine the father is the head of the family
ne biti pravi v glávi (figurativno) to be crazy, to be out of one's mind, to be off one's head (ali pogovorno off one's rocker)
on je bistra gláva he is a bright chap
trde gláve je he is thickheaded, pogovorno he is thick (between the ears)
puhle, prazne gláve je he is empty-headed, he is brainless
delati po svoji glávi to have one's own way
gláve delati (solata, zelje) to head, to heart
ne vem, kje se me gláva drži I do not know which way to turn, I am quite perplexed
gláva me boli I have a headache, my head aches, I feel headachy
gláva me je od tega bolela that gave me a headache
čez glávo imam dela I am swamped with work
kje vendar sem imel glávo? what on earth was I thinking of?
nimam gláve za matematiko I have no head for mathematics
tega imam že čez glávo dovolj I am sick (ali žargon I've had a bellyful) of it
to nima ne gláve ne repa I can't make head or tail of this
kar pripovedujete, nima ne gláve ne repa I cannot make head or tail of what you say
za glávo mu gre for him it is a matter of life and death
po glávi mi gre (roji, hodi) neka misel an idea keeps (on) running through my mind
to vino gre v glávo this wine is heady, this wine goes to my head
on ima glávo na pravem mestu he has his head well screwed on
stvar mi ne gre v glávo it's beyond me, I cannot understand it
iti, stopiti v glávo to go to one's head
ne ve, kje se ga gláva drži he doesn't know whether he's coming or going
to mi ne gre iz gláve I can't get it out of my head
ni čisto pravi v glávi he is not quite right in the head, žargon he has a screw loose
uspeh mu je šel (stopil) v glávo, mu je zmešal glávo success has turned his head
nekaj mu gre po glávi (figurativno) he is turning something over in his mind
samo letala mu gredo, rojijo po glávi (figurativno) he thinks, talks and breathes aeroplanes
ta misel mi ne gre iz gláve this idea keeps running through my head
izgubiti glávo to lose one's head (ali one's wits ali one's presence of mind)
ne izgubiti gláve to keep one's head
izbiti si kaj iz gláve to dismiss something from one's mind
iz gláve izračunati vsoto to work out a sum in one's head
izbiti komu kaj iz gláve to argue someone out of something
s svojo glávo jamčiš za to you will answer with your life for this
ne morem mu tega izbiti iz gláve I cannot drive it out of his head
napraviti po svoji glávi to do as one likes
obdržati v glávi to remember
tu ne najdem ne gláve ne repa I can't make head or tail of it
glávo odsekati (obglaviti) komu to behead someone
pognati si kroglo v glávo to blow one's brains out
v glávo mi pade it occurs to me, an idea comes to mind
kaj ti vendar pade v glávo? the very idea!
nisem na glávo padel I am no fool
nikdar mi ni v glávo padlo it never entered (into) my mind
pogledati koga od gláve do nog to eye someone up and down, to look someone over from head to foot
nositi glávo v vreči (figurativno) to carry one's life in one's hands
oditi s povešeno glávo to go off with downcast head (ali fig with one's tail between one's legs)
pognati se z glávo naprej v vodo to throw oneself headfirst into the water
prikimati z glávo to nod assent
postaviti vse na glávo to turn everything topsy-turvy, to turn everything upside down
postaviti vse mesto na glávo (figurativno) to paint the town red
z glávo je plačal svoje izdajstvo he paid for his treason with his life
riniti z glávo v zid (figurativno) to run one's head against a brick wall
riniti z glávo v nevarnost to rush headlong (ali to plunge) into danger
ne rini z glávo v zid! don't batter your head against a brick wall!
riskirati glávo to risk one's neck
povesiti glávo to hang one's head
razpisati nagrado na glávo kake osebe to set a price on someone's head
glávo stavim, da to ni res I'd stake my life it is not true
skloniti svojo glávo pod jarem to bow one's head under the yoke
ubijati si glávo z, nad to rack one's brains over
vbiti si kaj v glávo to take something into one's head
prati komu glávo (figurativno) to give someone a dressing-down
v glávi se mi vrti I am (ali I feel) dizzy, I feel giddy, my head is reeling (ali spinning)
računati iz gláve to do mental arithmetic
zmajati z glávo to shake one's head
več glav, več vé two heads are better than one
za glávo zmagati (na dirki) to win by a head
čez glávo komu zrasti to outgrow (one's respect for) someone
zmešati komu glávo to turn someone's head
ne moreš z glávo skozi zid you can't butt your way through a brick wall
kolikor gláv, toliko misli two heads are better than one - gòl1 naked; nude; unclothed; in the nude; in the buff; (slečen) stripped; (teren, kraj) treeless, bleak, open; (glava) bare, uncovered; (brez perja) unfledged, callow; figurativno plain, udisguised; (meč) unsheathed, drawn
z gòlim očesom with the naked eye
z gòlimi rokami with one's bare hands
čisto gòl in one's bare skin, stark naked
do gòlega slečen stripped naked, stripped to the buff
gòla dejstva the naked facts
gòlo drevo a tree bare of leaves
gòl(i) meč a naked sword
gòla, čista potrata sheer waste
iz gòle (čiste) potrebe by sheer necessity
gòla (sama, čista) skala sheer rock
gòla pokrajina bare landscape
gòla resnica the naked truth
do gòlega sleči to strip someone naked (ali to the buff)
do gòlega so jih slekli they stripped them naked - gotóvo certainly; sure, surely; positively
gotóvo! certainly! for sure!, ZDA sure!
popolnoma gotóvo (humoristično) as sure as eggs is eggs; as sure as death and taxes
nekaj je gotóvo one thing remains certain
čisto gotóvo (zanesljivo) without fail, assuredly
tako gotóvo kot živim as sure as I live
to gotóvo ne more biti njen brat it surely cannot be her brother
vrata so gotóvo odprta the door is sure to be open
gotóvo bo prišel prvi he is sure to come first
počasi, a gotóvo slowly, but surely - jásen (veder) unclouded, serene, unobscured, fair, sunny; (očiten) evident, obvious, manifest; (viden) clear, conspicuous; (svetel) luminous, bright, shining, light; (razumljiv) intelligible, easily understood; (nedvomen) indubitable, unmistakable, not to be mistaken, leaving no doubt; (nedvoumen) unequivocal, unambiguous; (izrečen) explicit; (točen) precise, exact; (barva) light, light-coloured; (slog, stil) clear, lucid; (samoumeven) self-evident
jásno in jedrnato izraziti to express tersely and neatly
jásen kot beli dan self-evident, as clear as daylight (ali arhaično as noonday), as clear as crystal, as plain as a pikestaff, as plain as the nose on your face, as plain as the palm of your hand
nebo je jásno the sky is clear
to je jásno that's clear, that's flat
kot strela z jásnega out of the blue
strela z jásnega a bolt from the blue
ni mi čisto jásno it is not quite clear to me
nisem si na jásnem o tem I am not (quite) clear about it
sem jásen? do I make myself clear?, have I made myself plain on that point?
jásno govoriti to speak clearly
jásno se izraziti to make it clear
jásno se odražati na obzorju to show clear on the horizon
priti na jásno (figurativno) to clear up, to settle (o čem something)
postalo nam je jásno it dawned on us
to je popolnoma jásno (figurativno) it's perfectly obvious - jemáti to take
jemáti na pósodo to borrow
jemljem Vam čas I'm taking up your time
jemáti kaj za čisto (sveto) resnico to take something as (ali for) gospel truth
jemáti posojila to raise loans
jemáti na up, na kredit to take on credit
jemáti v poštev to take into consideration, to consider, to take into account, to allow for
jemáti za zlo (zameriti) to take amiss, to take the wrong way
ne jemljite mi tega za zlo! don't take that amiss!, don't take offence!
jemáti slovo to take leave
on vedno jemlje stvari preresno he takes everything much too seriously - kariêra career; figurativno success in life, advancement in service
napraviti dobro, lepo kariêro to have a good career, to work one's way up
škodovati kariêri to prejudice the career (koga of someone)
uničiti si kariêro to ruin one's career, to mar one's career
začeti kariêro to enter upon a career
začeti kariêro čisto od spodaj, od kraja to start on the lowest rung (of the ladder) - kòt2 as, like; (za primernikom ter za other, otherwise, else, rather) than; (za nikalnicami) but
čisto tako kòt just like
ne tako kòt unlike
več kòt 500 ljudi more than 500 people
bolje je to naredila ona kòt on she did it better than he (did) (ali pogovorno than him)
rajši kòt rather than
noben drug kòt ti none other than you
kòt kompliment by way of a compliment
to je lažje rečeno kòt storjeno it is easier said than done
prav kòt, baš kòt just as, just like, just the same as
kòt da as if, as though
kòt po maslu, kòt namazano (figurativno) like clockwork, swimmingly, without a hitch
kòt za stavo fast, quickly, hard
delal sem kòt za stavo I worked hard and fast
toliko je star kòt jaz he is old as I am (ali as I, pogovorno as me)
ni toliko star kòt jaz he is not so old as I am (ali as I, pogovorno as me)
kòt primer by way of example
kòt vedno as usual, as always
umreti kòt berač to die a pauper
kòt na primer as for instance
ona to jemlje, kòt da se to samo po sebi razume she takes it for granted
znan je kòt oderuh he is a notorious usurer
jaz bi rajši šel peš, kòt pa da bi se peljal I would rather walk than drive
ni ga bolj priljubljenega človeka, kòt je on there is no one more popular than he is (ali than he, pogovorno than him) - krív (krivda) guilty, culpable, guilt-stained; (zvit, nevaren) curved, deformed, distorted, crooked, bent
po krivem falsely
krívi bogovi idols pl
krív prerok a false prophet
kríva prisega perjury, false oath
kríva vera misbelief, erroneous belief, heresy
kdo je krív? who is to blame?, whose fault is it?
jaz nisem krív it is not my fault, I am not to blame
biti krív to bear the blame, to be to blame, to be at fault
on ni čisto nič krív he is quite blameless
tega so kríve okoliščine this is due to (ali owing to) circumstances
sam si je krív (= prav mu je) serves him right
bil je po krívem obsojen he was unjustly condemned
po krívem priseči to commit perjury, to perjure oneself
priznati se za krívega to plea gullty
spoznati za krívega to find someone guilty
biti spoznan za krívega to be found guilty (za of)
zaiti na kríva pota to go astray, to leave the straight and narrow, to take the wrong turning, to go wrong - málo little; a little; few (pl)
po malem gradually; little by little
čisto málo a tiny bit
prav tako málo kot... no more than...
v málo dneh in a few days
počakaj málo! wait a moment!
jaz málo spim I don't sleep (ali I'm not sleeping) very much, I sleep little
še málo ne not a bit
on je málo znan he is little known
še málo ne slutiš, kaj te čaka you've no idea (ali arhaično you little dream) what is in store for you
málo vas je there aren't many of you, there are (only) a few of you, you are few
málo bolje mi je I am a little (a triffle) better
imam le málo prijateljev I've only a few friends, I have but few friends
málo je takih kot on there aren't many like him, there are few like him
málo ljudi misli tako few people think so
tistih málo ljudi, ki so bili navzoči the few people who were present
niti málo nisem zadovoljen I am far from being satisfied
málo, da tega nisem pozabil I had almost forgotten it
málo, da ni umrl he was likely to die
zelo málo next to nothing
málo za tem soon (ali shortly) after
málo prej a few moments ago, a short while ago; shortly before
za málo se mi zdi prositi za uslugo I scorn to ask a favour
málo (za las) je manjkalo it was a close shave, it was a near miss
málo je manjkalo, pa bi ga povozilo he was within an ace of being run over
málo je manjkalo, da se ni ubil he had a narrow escape (ali a close shave), he was within an ace of getting killed
bolje málo kot nič half a loaf is better than no bread