as3 [æz] oziralni zaimek
tisti, ki, ki; takšen, da
I am not such a fool as to believe you nisem tako neumen, da bi ti verjel
the same as isti kot
such as kot na primer
Zadetki iskanja
- such [sʌč]
1. pridevnik
takšen, tak; (pred pridevnikom) takó; podoben; (za samostalnikom v množini) kot (as na primer)
tako velik, zelo velik, izreden
pravno zgoraj navedeni, omenjeni
such a takšen
such as takšen kot, tak kot
such a(n) one zastarelo tak in tak, nekdo, neki
Mr. such and such g. Ta in Ta
such being the case ker je stvar tako, ker je takó
such a day! kakšen dan!
such another disaster še ena takšna nesreča
in such or such a place na tem ali onem mestu
no such thing nič takega, ni govora o tem
such was not my idea tega nisem mislil
there are such things take stvari se dogajajo
they gave us such a fright tako so nas prestrašili
we had such sport imenitno smo se zabavali
he said he had lost his way, or some such thing rekel je, da je bil zašel, ali nekaj takega
no such thing as a room was to be had in the whole town v celem mestu ni bilo mogoče najti eno samo sobo
do you think she will believe you? no such thing! mislite, da vam bo verjela? Kje pa! (Kaj še! Ni govora o tem!)
such master, such servant kakršen gospodar, takšen sluga
2. prislov
such a nice day tako lep dan
3. zaimek
takšen, neki takšen
pogovorno isti
trgovina & vulgarno zgoraj omenjeni
arhaično & poetično such as tisti, ki; kdor; vsi
as such kot tak(šen)
all such vsi takšni
and such (like) in takšni, podobni
such or such of ta ali oni od
such as believe that are mistaken tisti, ki to verjamejo, se varajo (motijo)
he is a fool, but I am not such on je bedak, jaz pa nisem
I have a car I can lend you, such as it is imam avto, ki vam ga lahko posodim, kaj prida pa ni - suchlike [sʌ́člaik] pridevnik
takšen, te vrste, podoben
pogovorno podobne stvari
he cares for nothing but cards, billiards and suchlike mornarica so mu le karte, biljard in podobne stvari - somesuch [sʌ́msʌč] pridevnik
nekako takšen - suttee [sʌ́ti:] samostalnik
indijsko vdova, ki se da sežgati skupaj s truplom svojega moža; takšen obred - a2, an [ei, ə; ən] pridevnik & nedoločni člen
neki, določen; eden; vsak; isti
all of a size vsi iste velikosti
twice a day dvakrat na dan
such a one (prav) takšen
he is a teacher je učitelj
half a day pol dneva
a great deal of veliko česa
a few questions nekaj vprašanj
a little time nekaj časa
many a time marsikdaj, dostikrat - another [ənʌ́ðə] zaimek & pridevnik
drug, drugačen; še eden
one after another drug za drugim
another and another vedno več
he's a fool, you're another on je norec in ti tudi
I'll wait another day or two počakal bom še nekaj dni
just such another prav takšen
many another marsikateri drugi
one another drug drugega, vzajemno
that's another pair of shoes, that's another thing altogether (ali entirely) to je nekaj čisto novega (drugega)
will you take another piece izvoli(te) še en košček
another place drugje
one from another, from one another drug od drugega
it's one thing to promise, another to perform lahko je obljubiti, težje izpolniti
to take for one another zamenjati drugega z drugim
another time drugič
wait for another hour počakaj še eno uro
not another word! niti besede več!
one thing with another drugo z drugim
yet another? še eden? - that2 [ðæt, ðət] oziralni zaimek (množina that)
ki; kateri, -a, -o; ki ga, ki jo, ki jih; katere, katera
all that everything that vse, kar
the best that najboljše, kar
much that mnogo (tega), kar
nothing that nič, kar
no one that nihče, ki
the book that I sent you knjiga, ki sem ti jo poslal; ki
the man that bought the house (tisti) človek, ki je kupil hišo
the lady that he is acquainted with gospa, s katero se pozna
it is the ideas that matter ideje so važne
the fool that he is! takšen bedak!
grboslovje husband that is to be njen bodoči mož (soprog)
Mrs. Black, Miss Brown that was pogovorno gospa Black, rojena Brown
Mrs. Jones that is sedanja gospa Jones
for the reason that iz razloga, zaradi katerega
the day (that) I met him na dan, na katerega (ko) sem se seznanil z njim
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Število zadetkov: 8