wheaten [wí:tən] pridevnik
pšeničen; žitni
Zadetki iskanja
- spica množina spicae [spáikə, -si:] samostalnik
klas; žitni klas - wheatear [wí:tiə] samostalnik
(ptič) belorepec
botanika žitni klas - market1 [má:kit] samostalnik
trg, tržnica, tržišče; trgovina, trgovanje; povpraševanje (for)
denarni trg; tržna cena
ameriško trgovina z živili
the market borzni posredniki
at the market po tržni ceni
at the top of the market po najvišji tržni ceni
black market črna borza
the corn market žitni trg
money market denarni trg
covered market pokrita tržnica
in the market na trgu
active (ali lively) market živahen trg
dull market mrtev trg
the market is low (rising) tržne cene so nizke (se dvigajo)
to be in the market for potrebovati kaj, iskati, želeti kupiti ali imeti
to be on (ali in) the market biti naprodaj
to come into the market priti na trg, biti naprodaj
to boom (ali rig) the market dvigniti kurz
to find a market iti v prodajo
the market fell cene so padle
the market is all givers na trgu so samo prodajalci
to hold the market obvladati trg, obdržati cene
a market for leather povpraševanje po usnju
to make a market špekulativno dvigniti povpraševanje (po delnicah)
to make a good market of okoristiti se s čim
to meet with a ready market hitro prodati
to place (ali put) on the market postaviti na trg, dati naprodaj
to play the market špekulirati (na borzi)
figurativno to bring one's eggs (ali hogs) to a bad (ali the wrong) market ušteti se
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Število zadetkov: 4